
Discover Your Daily Water Footprint: Calculate, Conserve, and Help Our Planet

A water footprint measures the total volume of freshwater used directly and indirectly by an individual, business, or product throughout its lifecycle, reflecting environmental impact

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Accurate Calculation with Vision API

Web app calculates water footprint of everyday objects. Offers multilingual text input interpreted by AI or identifies objects from images using Google Cloud Vision API.


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How It Works

3 Easy Steps

Input the data

Users provide object descriptions or images. Multilingual text input or image recognition is used.


AI interprets the input and matches it with water footprint data. Water footprint is calculated for the specified object.


Results are displayed to users with proper illustration

Way 1

Instant Water Footprint Calculation with Image Upload and Vision API

Images inputted, Vision API identifies objects, AI calculates water footprint; eco-conscious choices made easy through visual recognition

Way 2

Choose Your Language

Steps to Follow

Required Things to do

Have a clear image
Text Should be Visible
Avoid Blur Images
Get Started

Upload Photo

Required Things to do
Should have a Photo in Folder
Format Should be JPEG/PNG
A clear Photo is advised
Upload Here

Scan through Camera

Required Things to Do
Only Work in Mobile Phones
Take a clear Image
Avoid Blur Images can be readable
Scan Now

फॉलो करने के चरण

करने के लिए आवश्यक चीजें
एक स्पष्ट छवि होनी चाहिए
पाठ दिखाई देना चाहिए
धुंधली छवियों से बचें
शुरू करें

फ़ोटो अपलोड करें

करने के लिए आवश्यक चीजें
फ़ोल्डर में फ़ोटो होनी चाहिए"
स्वरूप JPEG/PNG होना चाहिए
स्पष्ट फ़ोटो सिफारिश की जाती है
यहाँ अपलोड करें

कैमरा के माध्यम से स्कैन करें

करने के लिए आवश्यक चीजें
केवल मोबाइल फोन में काम करता है
स्पष्ट छवि लें
धुंधली छवियों से बचें, पठनीय होनी चाहिए
अब स्कैन करें
Way 3

Multilingual Filling: Go With Your Language

For Single Object

Required Things to do

There will be two fields
First Select Your Language
Enter Inputs and Click on Calculate
Calculate Now

For Daily Water Usage

Required Things to do
There will be 13 to 14 Questions
Try to attempt every question
Enter Inputs and Click on Calculate
Calculate Here

Water Usage Statistics

Here's what you can do with this tool
Overview of Water Consumption
Location-Based Insights
Color Coded labels
See Here

User Friendly interface And Very Easy To Use Web App

Web app calculates water footprint of everyday objects. Offers multilingual text input interpreted by AI or identifies objects from images using Google Cloud Vision API.

Water-Footprint Calculation

Community Features

Feedback and Reporting

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App Features

Awesome Features

Water-Footprint Calculation

Computes the water footprint of the specified object based on available data.

Community Features

Allows users to connect with others interested in sustainable living, share tips, and discuss water conservation strategies.

Feedback and Reporting

Enables users to report inaccuracies or suggest improvements in the data.

AI Model Integration

Utilizes an AI model to interpret and match text input with water footprint data.

Image Recognition

Allows users to upload images of objects, which are then identified using the Google Cloud Vision API for accurate data retrieval.

Fully Responsive

It involves ensuring that our website's layout and content adapt gracefully to various screen sizes and devices.

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